
Friday, March 31, 2017

A letter from a old friend…

A letter from a old friend…

Dear my friend Jorja

I love it at your house and all but I’m lonely I miss the minecraft world and all my friends Brains the zombie and Skiddles the spider with all the creeper flock,  so every now again when you play minecraft can you let me say hello to them and get some more minecraft toys  so I can play with them.
Image result for creeper teddyYou're lonely friend Bomer .

Tuesday, March 21, 2017


Today I’m here to teach you about a game that you might like it is dead ants  It’s a fun game so this is how you play.

First: you need a boundary and at least ten players  so the team are even and a medaile place.

Two: One team is the exterminator and the other team is the are the ants.

Three: the exterminators are the taggers and the ants are the target.

Four: if you get tagged you go on the floor and put your arms and legs in the air so you look dead.
Then the other ants take a limb each and carry them to the medical place and if the  
Exterminators get everyone they win then you swop and so on.

Try it the game yourself.

Monday, March 6, 2017

This is a learniing stye test and these are my results.   

musical 100%
bodily-kinesthetic 92%
naturalistic 100%
These are my top three.

Porter Hill Fire

Porter Hill Fire Recount

This is how I first found out about the port hill fire. My purpose is to entertain you. 

It was just after the school lunch bell. Jasmine and Emily were standing out near the class. I asked,” what’s up? what’s all the commotion?” They said, “have you not seen the smoke from the red flower” when did that happen? They both said at the same time yesterday. WHAT!?It was just after the school lunch bell. Jasmine and Emily were standing out near the class. I asked,” what’s up? what’s all the commotion?” They said, “have you not seen the smoke from the red flower” when did that happen? They both said at the same time yesterday. WHAT!?

I ran inside and got Ashrita and Siyona.They asked, “what’s wrong” I said in a puffed voice come outside take a look at this they both said “what show us?” see those clouds that’s not cloud it’s smoke.

All throughout class. Where is it, what if it’s near my family , how did it start, how big is it, I thought to myself … I was scared. I tried to stop thinking about but I couldn’t so I just did my work when the home bell  went I said “saved by the bell”.

At home I said to mum about the fire and mun showed me some pictures and told me what happened.That night I didn’t sleep well because I was a bit scared but mum and dad  said that it was mile away and we were safe.I felt better and it wasn’t as frightening anymore.
I think that we were lucky that one person died but for his family it must have been the worst day ever.
Was it entertaing for you?

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Times Tables Test Report

Times Tables Test Report

I think I'm getting better at recalling my times tables  and starting to get better at my 6 ,7, 8's but they still need some work hopefully I'll know them really well by the end of the term.
So I'll find ways to get better take a look a today's result. 